Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Review: The Secrets to Great Charcoal Grilling

By Dru Chai

Happy National BBQ Month! Can you believe it's May already? Much of the country was in hibernation during the cold winter months, but the summer grilling and smoking season is finally around the corner.

I've been doing some reading lately, and this book "The Secrets of Great Charcoal Grilling on the Weber" came across my mailbox. It is one of the better recipe cookbooks I've encountered that specifically gives tips, tricks and insight into grilling with charcoal.

BBQ champion Bill Gillespie starts from the ground up, and gives both beginners and advanced grillers information like how to get the perfect char on the meat, timing for exact doneness, and reaching maximum flavor.

The Dirty Smoke Rating (4/5 stars) - Highly recommended
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